History of Android, Features of Android, Versions of android, Android Devices, Android Application Development, Android Application Life Cycle.
Applications Component: Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers, Content Providers, Fragments, Views, Layouts, Intents, Resources, Manifest.
Introduction to Android studio: Installing Android Studio, Android SDK Manager.
Android Project Structure: Activities, Layouts, Drawables.
2. Beginning with Android
Sample program, Create the source code of a simple 'FirstAndroidApplication' Activity, Create the layout of the project, Android Manifest, Edit the 'FirstAndroidApplication' dimensions, Edit the 'FirstAndroidApplication' strings, Add the drawable for every screen density, Build, compile and run
Date Picker and Methods: getDayOfMonth(),getMonth(),getYear(),setMaxDate(long maxDate), setMinDate(long minDate), setSpinnersShown(boolean shown), updateDate(int year, int month, int dayOfMonth), getCalendarView(),getFirstDayOfWeek(), ListView,
Custom ListView Adding Images, sub-title, Webview, loadUrl(“url”)
RatingBar: can be used to get the rating from the user.
getRating(), SeekBar.
8. Android UI Widgets (6)
Image switcher, setFactory(), image slider, ViewPager, TabLayout,
newTab(),addTab(), setText(),setIcon(),TabLayout and FrameLayout, SearchView, onQueryTextSubmit(String query), onQueryTextChange(String newText), SearchView on ToolBar.
Google map, current location, navigate location direction, search location, addCircle(CircleOptions options), addPolygon(PolygonOptions options), addTileOverlay(TileOverlayOptions options), animateCamera(CameraUpdate update), clear(), getMyLocation(), moveCamera(CameraUpdate update), setTrafficEnabled(boolean enabled), snapshot(GoogleMap.SnapshotReadyCallback callback), stopAnimation(), Example of Google Map, Android Google Map, MapsActivity.java class file, Google Map Search Location using Geocoder.
18. Web Services
TelephonyManager, PhonStateListener, Call State BroadCastReceiver, android speech api
QR Code Scanner, Bar Code Scanner, Intro Slider, RecyclerView List, Swipe Del RecyclerView, Swipe Refresh Activity, Volley Library Registration Log-in Log-out, Network Connectivity Services, Firebase Authentication - Google Login, Android Notification, Using Google reCAPTCHA
21. Android Project Work
Develop your Android Software.
* Each Session include:
Faculty training, Lab Practice, Lab Exercises and Portal based assignments.
* Sinet Education reserved the right to alter the course contents, offers, price, certificates etc.