Html Syllabus:
1. Html Introduction and Basic tags
Html Introduction, NETWORK, BROWSER, HTTP, WWW, CLIENT/SERVER, Html SIMPLE TAGS : Html, head, title, body, b, I, u, heading, strong, em, hr, sup, sub
2. basic tags in Html
Pre, < > " & Font, center, p, blockquote
3. Tags in Html
Marquee, Image, Orderelist, Unorderedlist, Tags
4. Hyperlinks in Html
Links: Interdocument linking, Intradocument linking, Object linking
5. Table and Division tags in Html
Table, Div
6. Table in Html
Create a table
CSS Syllabus:
7.CSS (1) in CSS
CSS(CasecadingStyleSheet),CSS selectors, Id selector, class selector, Grouping Selectors, Css comments, three ways of inserting a style sheet: External style sheet, Internal style sheet, Inline style
8. CSS (2) in CSS
Inline style Design a page apply inline style
9. CSS (3) in CSS
internal style Design a page apply internal style
10. CSS (4) in CSS
External Style Design a webpage and apply external style
11. CSS (5) in CSS
Design page and apply style
12. form tags(1) in CSS
Form Textbox, button, combobox, listbox, filefield, Checkbox, radiobitton, checkbox, button.
13. form tags (2) in CSS
Design a form apply style
14. video,audio,Iframe in CSS
Video, Audio, Iframe
14. design webpage in CSS
Design web page and apply required style
15. design page in CSS
Design page using template
Bootstrap Syllabus:
16. Bootstrap Introducation
Mobile First Responsive Web Designing
17.Grid System in Bootstrap
Grid System
Structure Equal columns, Unequal columns, Typography Classes
18. table in Bootstrap
Striped Rows, Bordered table, Hover rows, Condensed table, Responsive table, Contextual classes
19. Image in Bootstrap
Rounded corners, Circle, Thumbnail, Responsive image
20. Alerts in Bootstrap
Alerts are created with the .alert class, Success, info, warning, danger
21. Button in Bootstrap
Success button, Danger button, Info button, Outline style, Block level button, Active/Disabled button, Button group, Button Groups and Dropdown Menus
22. Badges, spinners in Bootstrap
23. Progress bar in Bootstrap
Colored Progress bar, Striped progress bar, Animated progress bar, Stacked progress bar
24. Pagination, pager, List group
Pagination, Pagination sizing Pager
25. List group in Bootstrap
List group with badges, List Group With Linked Items: List active ,Disabled, contextual class
26. card (1) in Bootstrap
Simple card layout, Header and footer
27. card (2) in Bootstrap
Card deck, Card-group
28. dropdown
Dropdown, Divider, header, drop up
29. Collapse in Bootstrap
Collapse, Collapsible List Group
30.Tabs in Bootstrap
Tabs and Pills
31. Navigation in Bootstrap
Navigation bar, Navigation Bar With Dropdown, Sticky Navigation
32.Form layout in Bootstrap
Form layout, Validation
33. media in Bootstrap
Media Object, Carousel Plugin, Modal Dialog box, Tooltip Plugin, Popover Plugin
34. design webpage
design webpage in Bootstrap
35. design webpage in Bootstrap
design webpage
jQuery Syllabus:
36. Introduction in jQuery
What is jQuery, Why jQuery, Adding jQuery to webpage, jQuery downloading, jQuery CDN, jQuery Syntax, The Document Ready Event, comment
selectorsin jQuery
Element/tag selector, Id selector, Class selector
37. Effects (1) in jQuery
Hide() element, id and class selector, Show()element, id and class selector
38. Effects (2) in jQuery
Toggle() element, id and class selctor
39. Effects (3) in jQuery
Fading: fadeIn(),fadeout(), fadeToggle(), fadeTo()
40. Effects(4) in jQuery
Sliding slideDown(),slideUp(), slideToggle()
41. CSS in jQuery
Apply css using css(), Apply style using addClass(), Remove style using removeClass(), Animate using animate()
42. text in jQuery
Add text to paragraph using Append(), prepend(), after(), before()
43. Html in jQuery
Html() is used to know the Html Set and get the value of textbox using val()
44. alert, dialog in jQuery
Alert() is used to show message Dialog() used to show dialog
45. datepicker in jQuery
Pick date from textbox using datepicker()
46. menu in jQuery
Create menu using jQuery
47. slide in jQuery
Create slide using jQuery
48. Design page in jQuery
Design page
49. Design page in jQuery
Design page
* Each Session include:
Faculty training, Lab Practice, Lab Exercises and Portal based assignments.
* Sinet Education reserved the right to alter the course contents, offers, price, certificates etc.