Object Oriented Programming with Java Syllabus:
1. Evolution of Java
Evolution of Java programming, Java Virtual Machine, JVM Specification, Class loader.
2. Introduction to Java
Features of Java, Sample program, Output functions, Escape sequences, Compile & execution of Java program
3. Java Tokens
Tokens- Keyword, Identifiers, Literals, punctuators, operators. Variable, Data types, Wrapper classes-Integer, Double, Char, String, Boolean . type casting, Constants
4. Operators in Java
Different type of Operators-Arithmetic operators, Relational operators, Assignment operators, Logical operators, Unary operators. Read value using Scanner() in util package.
5. Construct in Java
Decision Making-if, if ….else, else of ladder, nested if
6. Programming Construct in Java
switch…..case, conditional operators.
7. Loops in Java (1)
Iterative statements-while loop, do…while loop, for loop,
8. Loops in Java (2)
Nested loop, break and continue statement.
9. Arrays in Java
Declare / Initialize Array elements, two type arrays-single dimensional and multidimensional arrays. Reading and writing array elements.
10. Functions in Java
Define Functions, Function calling, different type functions, function categories, string functions, String Buffer functions.
11. Object Oriented Programming in Java (1)
What is OOP. class, Object, Encapsulation, Access Specifies. Constructors and Finalizer. Inner classes
12. Object Oriented Programming in Java (2)
Polymorphism-method overloading, constructor overloading, Inheritance-different type of inheritance, overriding, Abstraction.
13. Object Oriented Programming in Java (3)
Abstract keyword- abstract class and abstract method, Final keyword –final class, final variable, final method.
14. Java Exception Handling
Exception handling, default exception handling, try…catch…finally keyword, usage of throws.
15. Java Packages
What is package? Create package and sub package. Import package and sub package.
16. Files and Streams in Java
File class and methods. Methods of InputStream , Methods of OutputStream. Methods of Reader, Methods of Writer.
17. I/O Streams in Java
File Streams, ByteArrayStream, FilterStream, BufferedInputStream, BufferedOutputStream, DataInputStream, DataInputStream, PushBackInputStream, PrintStream
18. I/O Streams
Reader Class-FileReader, CharArrayReader, StringReader, InputStreamReader, FilterReader, BufferedReader. Writer Class-FileWriter, CharArrayWriter, PrintWriter, FileWriter, BufferedWriter, StreamTokenizer.
* Each Session include:
Faculty training, Lab Practice, Lab Exercises and Portal based assignments.
* Sinet Education reserved the right to alter the course contents, offers, price, certificates etc.