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SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server Database course.


Microsoft SQL Server Database Course.

Course Duration:

Class room training: 30 hours
Online training:         15 hours

Fee Details:

Course Fee: ₹ 10,000

Sinet Education Course Offers

  FREE Sinet Certification

  FREE Placement Registration

  ₹ 500 CASH BACK
      for One time payment.

* Conditions Apply.



  Sinet Certification
      ISO 9001 2015 logo embossed
      with Online reference.

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  SQL Developer
  SQL Server Query Developer
  SQL Server Data Manager

Microsoft SQL Server Syllabus:

1. Introduction in SQL Server

DBMS (Database Management System), RDBMS (Relational Database Management System), Oracle DB, client / server Architecture, login Authentication, handling data in a data base, data types, IDE, Database creation using Object Explorer, table creation, insert values, display table data, edit values, delete rows, insert new columns, delete columns, Delete table and databases

2. Creating Query in SQL Server

Id query, create Database using 'CREATE DATABASE', table creation using 'CREATE TABLE', insert value into table using 'INSERT', delete values from table using 'DELETE' command, edit value into table using 'UPDATE' commands, delete table using 'DROP' command, Delete database using 'DROP' command

3. Conditional Query in SQL Server

Limiting rows using a selection, Restrict the rows returned by Using 'where' clause, Comparison conditions -=, <, >, <=, >=, <>, Other comparison operators BETWEEN - And (between two values), IN (match any of a list of values), LIKE (match a character pattern), IS NULL (is a null value), Logical conditions AND (returns true if both conditions are true), OR (returns true if either conditions is true), NOT (returns true if conditions is false), Not In (match not of a list of values), Sorting: sort in ascending order and descending order, sorting by multiple columns

4. Rename using Stored Procedures And Constraints in SQL Server

Rename table and column using SP_RENAME procedure, ALTER Command: Add new column, remove column , change the data type of a column . Define constriants: Create rule (range of valid values for column) and default value for columns. Bind and unbind rule using SP_BINDRULE and SP_UNBINDRULE procedures respectively . Bind and unbind default using SP_BINDEFAULT and SP_UNBINDEFAULT procedures respectively Remove rule and default using DROP Command

5. Primary Constraints in SQL Server

Primary key- requires the values in the column, to which it is attached to be unique and contain values other than NULL, Set primary key on table creation, Remove primary key from table, Set primary key to existing table, Unique key-- requires the values in the column, to which it is attached to be unique, Set unique key on table creation, Remove unique key from table, Set unique key to existing table

6. Foreign Key Constraints in SQL Server

Foreign key-refers to a column of another table or another column of the same table, Set foreign key on table creation, Remove foreign key from table, Set foreign key to existing table

7. View And index in SQL Server

View: Views and logical representation of data contained in a table, Create View, edit view using ALTER VIEW, remove view using DROP VIEW.
Index: The process of retrieving data, index and the various select, updates and deletes issued on a table, Clustered index: Create index using CLUSTERED INDEX, Remove index using DROP INDEX. Non clustered index, Create index using NONCLUSTERED INDEX, Remove index is using DROP INDEX. Unique index Create index using UNIQUE INDEX, Remove index is using DROP INDEX

8. Data corelation [ Joins ] in SQL Server

Cross join: joins one or more table not specify criteria, Inner join: joins one or more tables specify criteria, Left outer join: joins two tables, includes all rows from the first table and matching, Right outer join: joins tables, includes all rows from the second table and matching, Full outer join: joins tables, includes all rows from first and second table corresponding matching rows Union, Unionall: combines the result of SELECT statement into one final result set.

9. Functions in SQL Server

Predefined functions and complexity, Mathematical function: ROUND(), CEILING(), FLOOR(). String functions: DATALENGTH(), UPPER(), LOWER(), etc. Date function: GETDATE(), DATEPART(), DATENAME(), DATEADD() etc Aggregate function: SUM(), AVG(), MIN(), MAX(), COUNT() etc.

10. GROUP BY in SQL Server

The Group by clause is returns an aggregate value for the groups defined by the select statement. The Having Clause is used to select particular rows from the result set obtained using the group by clause. Rollup and Cube are two new operators in SQL Server. These operators are used to obtain Super-Aggregate values to the result set

11. PROCEDURE in SQL Server

What is procedure, Define procedure using CREATE PROCEDURE, Calling Procedure using EXEC, Argument Passing in procedure definition

12. BACKUP - RESTORE in SQL Server

Database Backup and Restore using Object Explorer, Generate script, import data, export data etc..

* Each Session include:
Faculty training, Lab Practice, Lab Exercises and Portal based assignments.
* Sinet Education reserved the right to alter the course contents, offers, price, certificates etc.